Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the notion, features, types, the rules of investigation experiment execution as the operational-investigative activity. The analysis of as the operational-investigative practice and scientific works has allowed the author to come to conclusion that function of investigation experiment includes:conspiracy actions for creation and (or) providing control of the special conditions necessary for identification, prevention, suppression and disclosure of the prepared, committed or committed crime;mislead of the person under the investigation experiment, in the conditions and terms assessment he is interested in;concealed secret control (observation, etc.) over the behavior of the object of investigational interest, as well as over the created objects for criminal attacks in order to prevent their damage or loss;establishment and fixing of illegal intentions of a person reasonably suspected in preparation or commission of crimes of medium gravity or grave or especially grave crimes by investigation technical means;creation of experimental conditions for the reproduction of various events, situations that are important for the detection, prevention, suppression and disclosure of crimes .

investigative activity, operational-investigative acts, investigation experiment
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1. Ob operativno-rozysknoy deyatel'nosti : feder. zakon ot 12 avg. 1995 g. № 144-FZ // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 1995. 18 avg

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