UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article the author deals with problems concerning the imposition of just punishment for crimes committed through the use of persons not subjected to criminal liability. The necessity to add the modern Criminal law with the norm containing provisions on imposition of penalty for crimes committed through an innocent agent is substantiated.The basis for the research has become the circumstance that the penalty for an offence committed by the use of innocent object is imposed commensurately with the penalty for the individual crime commitment. In criminal legal doctrine the following point of view is the predo minant: the high degree of public threat is typical to crimes committed through an innocent agent.It is offered in Article 67.1 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation “The imposition of punishment for the crime committed through an innocent agent” to formalise: in part 1 - special rules of imposition of punishment that characterize the deed which is performed through an innocent agent, the identity of the person not subjected to criminal liability (indirectly applied by a person), the quantity of persons not subjected to criminal liability used for criminal purposes, the presence (absence) of aggravating and mitigating circumstances in the criminal case; in part 2 - rules establishing minimum and maximum limits of punishment by an innocent agent; in part 3 - the rules defining the limits of punishment for innocent agents who committed crimes under the circumstances stated in Articles 61, 63 and 64 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation.
through an innocent agent, imposition of punishment, rules of imposition of punishment, aggravating and mitigating circumstances
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