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Abstract (English):
Entry of Russia into the World Trade Organization as well as the prolongation anti-Russia economic sanctions has demonstrated the importance of competitive relations protection for the development of national economy and general welfare of Russian citizens. This problem appeared repeatedly during the modern Russian history. However, adoption of complex enactments for freedom of competition, for clampdown on monopolies and other business entities, having the economic supremacy, is not enough. Passed by the President of the Russian Federation in December 2017 the National competition development plan in the Russian Federation for the period 2018-2020 contains the variety of strategic directions for economicrelations development for the purpose of competitiveness provision of domestic products on the international markets. The achievement of this purpose is possible in the case of the positive solution of problems one which is the effective protection of freedom of economic competition by legal means of criminal law regulations.Existing Criminal law contains the unstructured set of types of punishment; their imposition is possible for the commission of crimes in the economic sphere. During practical application of these punishments it can often occur that a person found guilty of a crime does not experience the obligatory negative consequences in the form of deprivation and restrictions of freedom and rights, which reveal the essence of criminal punishment. Such situation on the regular basis causes the negative results: crimes in economic sphere become profitable illegal activity, and the absence of severe measures for crimes commission provided by Criminal law contributes to new crimes committed by businessmen, which include competition freedom restriction.In regard to adoption of criminal law sanctions for economic crimes Criminal law discipline doesn’t present the systematic approach to different types of punishment which can provide the economic crime prevention. Many authors incline to an idea of liberalization of criminal responsibility which is implemented to white-collar crimes. In this regard, the dominant types of criminal penalties imposed for violation of the freedom of competition, as well as many other crimes in the field of economic activity, is proposed to be a fine and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities.In the article the author proves the necessity to impose the more severe penalties, including social isolation, for some economic crimes which present the threat to the national security of Russia. The crime stipulated in article178 “Restriction of competition” of the Criminal Code of the RF is referred to such types of crimes.

national plan of competition development, crimes encroaching on competition freedom, monopoly activity, criminal penalty, liberalization of criminal responsibility, sanction of Criminal law
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