UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article the activity specifics of bodies and establishments of the Federal penal service in cases of criminal emergency are revealed.The application of forces and means of institutions and bodies of the penal system in order to solve problems in such conditions is based on their purpose peculiarities taking into account the professional activities specifics of the of particular services. The scope and conditions of application of the services depend on the extent of the emergency situation and subsequent development of events.Temporary restrictions on the penal system personnel activities in case of criminal emergency are dependent on time of their consequences elimination and can take from 1-2 hours to several weeks and sometimes months.In the article the authors suggest an approximate algorithm of organizational actions to the head of a correctional institution) in emergency circumstances which includes: notification and arrangement of meeting with personnel; work organization of the operational headquarters; transfer of available information to the higher penal system bodies and interconnected services; execution of primary organizational, operational, investigative and other activities; the collection of further data and determination of additional sources and ways of its obtaining; determination of main efforts concentration for the actions of the available forces and means; the organization of interaction for the purpose of other power structures application, as well as involvement of citizens from the local population; the overall provision and implementation of security measures.The effectiveness of the bodies and institutions of the penal system in carrying out complex professional tasks arising in the course of criminal emergencies depends on the skillful use of different tactical special methods of activities.
emergency, phenomena of criminal nature, specifics of personnel management, application of forces and means, complication of tactical situation, tactical special methods of activities
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