UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The object of the research in the article is a correctional institution (premises, buildings) as a place where investigative actions are carried out, in particular search and seizure, and the subject of research is a criminal in penitentiary. Search is an urgent investigative action, the content of which is a forced inspection of premises, penitentiary areas, a particular person in order to search for and seize items, documents relevant to the investigated crime. Unlike the search, the seizure of objects and documents in a correctional institution is carried out only when the nature and place of object is known exactly.The search and seizure as investigative actions have some similar features with regime measures carried out by correctional officers. The regime measures include: search of convicted persons; search of residential premises; inspection of personal belongings of convicted persons; inspection of parcels, wrappers; inspection of other persons who for some reasons come to the territory of the correctional institution or outside it where regime requirements are established; inspection of vehicles.A law enforcement officer on grounds of the study of the collected materials relating to the subject and the object of the search and the study of the personality of the searched re-creates the model of the convicted criminal actions for the concealment of objects indicating criminal activity. After the search it is necessary to check by means of regime and operative-searching measures whether all the objects are seized and where the undetected items and documents are located. Operative-searching data can be the basis for a repeated search.
penal system, search, seizure, correctional institution, condemned, crime, operative- searching activities, investigative activities, operative-searching data, criminalistics characteristics
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