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Abstract (English):
The article reveals the mechanisms of improving the management of the penal system. At present, most institutions and bodies of the penal system are characterized by a traditional authoritarian style of leadership, which was established during the Soviet period. Employees of institutions are under constant fear of getting a penalty, of dismissing from the service which deters part of the staff from disciplinary offences and mobilizes them to work effectively.At the same time, the majority of employees is responsible for their work, they work effectively experiencing involvement in the affairs of the team, being proud of their profession, and try to achieve recognition and promotion. For this reason, the Chiefs of institutions and managing bodies of the penitentiary system must reform themselves and their management methods. When the chief stimulates self-expression of an individual it is difficult not to reform, because the staff is the main source of development of the domestic penal system.

penal system, penal bodies and authorities, management culture, mission of organization, control and correction of functions

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