Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with various doctrinal approaches to the content and mechanism of state compulsion implementation in the activities of penal bodies and authorities. The system analysis of such structures as compulsion, forms and measures of state compulsion is carried out. On the basis of this analysis specific features are stated that characterize the system of state compulsion implementation in the activities of the bodies and institutions of the Federal Penal Service. State compulsion in the penal system is aimed at specific social purpose which can be formulated as provision of public security. The main part of the measures of state compulsion implemented in the penal system bodies and institutions activities (searches, inspections, seizure of certain items) is used exclusively to ensure the conditions and procedures for sentence serving established by the state through unilateral decisions and actions of officials in regards to free citizens, convicted persons and persons detained who fulfill legal regulations conscientiously.State compulsion in the penal system includes the following types of compulsion:regime-disciplinary (penal) one implemented by the Federal service staff for the execution of sentences in respect of persons convicted to deprivation of liberty;control and disciplinary one in relation to persons sentenced to punishment without isolation from society;administrative one in respect of citizens and legal entities;service-disciplinary one in respect of employees who have committed a disciplinary offence. The measures of state compulsion applied by the staff of the penal system are implemented in the majority of cases on the penal institutional territory and the adjacent territorywhere regime requirements have effect.

state compulsion, penal system, forms and measures of state compulsion

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