UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article the author proposes his approach to the content of the methodology of personnel risk management in the penal system.The methodology of personnel risk management of the penal system includes risk identification using personnel audit technology, qualitative description, adequate quantitative assessment based on expert evaluation method using risk management tools, development and implementation of programs to prevent or minimize the negative impact of personnel risks on penal practice.The algorithm of the personnel risk management methodology of the penal system is a consistent implementation of the following stages:Identification and qualitative description of risks carried out in accordance with the methodology of the modern personnel audit concept and involving the identification of factors affecting the possibility of risks, causes, conditions, places and sources of their occurrence.Quantitative assessment of personnel risks based on expert assessments and including analysis of the risks impact on the effectiveness of activities, risk ranking, decision-making on the acceptability of risk and the choice of risks which should be prevented or minimized.Program development of personnel risk management involving the choice of methods of prevention or minimization of risks and planning of activities for personnel risk management.Implementation of personnel risk management program.Control of HR risk management activities providing the effectiveness of risk management activities and modernization of the HR risk management system.
penal system, work with staff, penal staff, human resources, HR risks
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