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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the issues related to the practice of interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church and the penitentiary system of Russia at the present time, the history of prisoners treatment of the Christian Church. Representatives of religious organizations in cooperation with the institutions and bodies of the Federal Penal Service in addition to realization of rights for freedom of religion for convicted and suspected persons are included to the membership of public monitoring commissions, public councils under the territorial bodies of the Federal Penal Service, pardon commissions on the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the purpose of participation in human rights activities. The article deals with the history of the development of penal legislation relating to the period of the Byzantine Empire, as well as Russia at the beginning of the XIX century, and the practice of the Christian Church’s merciful petition concerning prisoners to the state legal authorities.

law history, Russian Orthodox Church, prison service, church and community
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