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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the study of the problem of professional motivation of penal system staff in modern conditions. The study was conducted in 2017 in correctional institutions of the Republic of Komi, Krasnoyarsk region, Arkhangelsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Vologda regions. 320 employees of personnel departments, departments of educational work with convicts, regime departments, security departments, centers of labor adaptation of convicts took part in the survey.The study identified and analyzed the leading motives of service and professional activities of penitentiary system staff (decent wages, possibility of retirement for certain period of service, job security, career prospects, improvement of working conditions, etc.). A comparison analysis of the structure of penal staff motives among junior and senior officers was carried out. The factors that negatively affect the level of employees satisfaction with their work are revealed: losses in the organization of the system of moral stimulation; unfair and unreasonable distribution of work between employees; the lack of prospects of career growth; unsatisfactory working conditions; unfavorable moral and psychological climate in the team.In order to increase job satisfaction and stimulate motivation of penal staff professional activities the following measures are proposed: improvement of career guidance in the selection of candidates for service, development of career management of employees, use of effective contracts in the practice of personnel work, expansion of social guarantees of employees, the creation of a specially organized social work environment in the correctional institution which allows to maintain and motivate staff labor activity, its orientation to achievement of high results in professional activity, self-development in a profession and professional (career) growth. Special attention is paid to professional development of employees and exchange of professional experience as a factor of motivation in the prison system.The results of the study can be used in the work of personnel departments of institutions and bodies of the penal system as thebasis for the development of appropriate teaching materials.

staff management, penal system, officer, professional activity, motivation, incentive, labor satisfaction, staff change, labor effectiveness, effective contract, social labor environment
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