Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article the special type of criminal’s personality - people lost their human face - is identified, that is, those who have lost or haven’t gained the most important human traits differentiating people from animals. These traits include both general, all moral rules and personal hygiene norms. In the article thewithin-named rules and norms are revealed; subtypes of the analyzed type are defined; some circumstances which need to be considered as the reason of the loss of human nature are called.
criminal’s personality, criminal’s type, people lost their human face, criminal’s personality typology, the reason of the loss of human nature, personality’s alienation
1. Malinovskiy B. Izbrannoe: dinamika kul'tury. M., 2004. 959 s
2. Merton R. Social'naya teoriya i social'naya kul'tura. M., 2006. 880 s