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Abstract (English):
The level of uncertainty in the sphere of execution of punishment is high, but it doesn’t mean that legal relations «criminal - state» are being broken, and criminal law, penal law and criminal sanction can’t functionin adequately in such conditions. Uncertainty is an ordinary situation in which lawyers got used to live and work.Punishment apprehended isn’t the penalty imposed. Under all other equal conditions, there don’t exist two identical punishments owing to many reasons known. Punishment is in itself can be neither severe, nor soft, nor fair, nor unfair so far it didn’t pass through the filter of the personal mechanism of perception and wasn’t reflected, didn’t receive assessment in consciousness of the convict. Criminal sanction is a counterpoint of collision of at least two moral and legal line items, two cultures. It is also a collision of two (several) perceptions: on the one hand, convict’s perception of punishment, on the other hand, perception by court not only punishment, but also its source (assessment of: case materials, defendan’s personality, provisions of law and other regulating documents). In the process of execution of punishment the task of psychologists and teachers is understanding of what punishment to convict is.Uncertainty is some kind of challenge. How we will understand it and we will answer such challenge, in serious degree not only Not only the level of efficiency of our punitive practice, but also the level of efficiency of all our activity depend on the solution of the tasks mentioned above.

law enforcement, criminal sanction, punishment perception, execution of punishment
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