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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the questions causing certain difficulties in activity of colonies settlements which should be solved at the present stage of development of domestic penal system taking into account characteristics of the mode established for these institutions; it is offered to make a number of the changes in the criminal and executive legislation directed to the solution of the available problems. In particular, it is necessary to use the electronic bracelets applied by criminal and executive inspections concerning persons under control to them for ensuring supervision of the convicts employed on exit production and agricultural objects. It is expedient to establish the ban by the convict to go out of the hostel in off-duty time for a period of up to 30 days for isolation of worst offender of an established order of serving sentence in colonies settlements before pronouncement by court of the decision on change of a type of correctional facility.

convicts, colonies settlements, execution of the punishment, supervision, penal system
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