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Abstract (English):
The peculiarity of public danger of the subject of crimes in the sphere of illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogs is shown. Based on the scientific analysis regarding the category «public danger», its essence and content, the subject of crimes in the sphere of illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogs is specified, its features are highlighted. Various classifications of drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogs are investigated. Special attention is paid to the fact that nowadays, the public danger of the subject of drug-related crime is not differentiated at the legislative level.In accordance with the classification of the public danger of the subject of crimes in the sphere of illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogs, the main objects of drug-related crimes are considered. The analysis of the public danger of the subject of drug-related crimes has made it possible to identify 5 classes of danger of the drugs and psychotropic substances ranked by the measures of state control and degree of their negative impact on an individual: extremely dangerous, highly dangerous, moderately dangerous, dangerous, low-dangerous.The psychotropic substances and their analogs to which the most drastic measures of control are applied, and their turnover is forbidden on the territory of the state should be attributed to class I of danger. Class V of danger (lowdangerous) includes precursors, the turnover of which is prohibited and limited in the Russian Federation and regarding which the measures of control are set in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the international treaties of the Russian Federation.The practical value of the typology of public danger of the subject of crimes in the sphere of illegal trafficking of narcautic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogs is determined by the fact that there is an urgent need to debate the problem of separating the crime components in the sphere of illegal trafficking of narcautic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogs. The matter is of great importance because it is proposed to set criminal sanctions varying in their level of severity in the sphere of illegal trafficking of narcautic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogs.

drug-related crimes, corpus delicti, public danger, classification, typology, classiness of danger, crime subject, health, drug addiction, control measures
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