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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of studies of the organization of work of the special contingent of the penitentiary system in the early 1990-ies; analyzes the peculiarities of the processes of organizing productive activity in conditions of transition to a market economy and the rejection of Central planning in the economy; the reasons of degradation of the production base of criminal-executive system in the study period, and study the regulatory framework of the reform processes of the productive sector of the penal system, analyzes the peculiarities of development of foreign economic activities of the penitentiary system and implementation of business initiatives matelski inmates.Large-scale innovations in the sphere of liberalization of entrepreneurial activity of bodies and establishments of criminal-Executive system has not had a stimulating effect on increasing the level of employment and productivity of the inmates. Was also obtained relevant results in the field of self-sufficiency and the formation of the financial base of bodies and establishments of criminally-executive system. The conclusion on inexpediency of consideration of issues of development of productive activities in the framework of the model of the choice between self-support and organization of competitive procurement. In modern conditions has the potential development of the model determine the competitive private operators of development projects to production activities in the penal system. This will attract entrepreneurial activity, able to accumulate productive assets and to organize production activities in the penal system.

manufacturing activity, organization of labour, penal system, public policy, development
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