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Abstract (English):
The attempt is made on the basis of the analysis of the practice of the remand centres of the Federal penal service, implementing a measure of restraint in form of detention to identify the current state and main problems of its application.Despite the surplus of available places in remand centres and premises operating under the remand prison in General - the Federal level has the problem of compliance of the conditions of detention of suspects and accused persons based on the needs of at least 4 square meters per person, as well as a number of other violations of the law.Analyzed the position of the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation, as well as the measures being taken by the Federal service of execution of punishments against the violations.Based on the analysis of activity of bodies of Prosecutor's office, the Federal service of execution of punishments and other law enforcement authorities concludes that the situation in the last few decades, law enforcement practice related to detention of suspects, accused, defendants and convicts, has many negative as preconditions and effects which can be linked to failures in only one Department, especially the Federal service of execution of punishments.Raised is a complex issue and it is in different degrees involved and the courts, and many law enforcement agencies. Only by understanding that all judicial and law enforcement authorities possible successful approaches to solving the problem.

measure of restraint, detention, rule of law, Prosecutor's office, detention facility, correctional system, suspect, accused, defendant, convicted
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