Mogilev, Belarus
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Deals with the state of resocialization and social adaptation of convicts in detention facilities of the Penal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in recent years. The author draws the conclusion that modern requirements to organizing resocialization activity in the detention facilities reveal serious gaps in organizational and functional aspects of the process of convicts’ correction. The author's concepts of «convicts’ correction», «convicts’ resocialization» and «convicts’ social adaptation» based on the results of law-enforcement practices and recent achievements of penitentiary criminology and the penal law of Belarus are suggested.The necessity to generalize and systematize the provisions as regards the criteria and degrees of correction and to work out corrective programs of convicts’ resocialization in correctional facilities depending on typology of criminals (convicts) developed in the Belarussian penitentiary science long ago. The author suggests criminological typology of criminals (convicts) based on the character of motivational and criminal orientation of their personality (8 types) which is developed taking into account the results of the Belarusian law-enforcement practice and penitentiary science.
resocialization of convicts, social adaptation of convicts, places of detention, criminological typology of criminals (convicts), correction of convicts
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