Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Examines operation of the penal system as a system of social management with the appropriate regulatory support, whose organizational, legal and regulatory features determine effectiveness of its functioning. The fundamental objects of the study are represented by a number of key legal acts regulating activity of the penal system of Russia. The fundamental thesis on forming organizational structure of management, well-known in administrative science, determines the composition and quantitative ratio of principal components of any social management system.Priority is given to concretization of the mission and increasing of social significance of the goals for establishing and functioning of the penal system, as well as to more precise definition of its structure and solvable problems. To this aid the author proposes relevant amendments to certain legislative acts, as well as the schematic model of the architecture of legal support of the penal system from the standpoint of management science.On the basis of the conducted research it is concluded that analysis of potential possibilities of management science theory is not only appropriate for the formation of systemic understanding of the complex of regulatory support of the penal system but also exemplary, since it becomes evident that content of thematic sections of organizational and management subjects of the curricula of educational institutions of the Federal penal service needs expanding. This will lead to formation of highly professional managers.

management, penal system, staffing, legal regulation
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1. Cymbalyuk N. I. O sovershenstvovanii zakonodatel'nogo obespecheniya deyatel'nosti ugolovno- ispolnitel'noy sistemy // Chelovek: prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2014. № 1. S. 44-47

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