UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Examines the general scientific and special legal approaches to understanding classifications of the functions of law in general and of the classifications of the functions of the penal law, in particular; it also analyzes the characteristics of the information function of the penal law and its substantial features.The main objective of the article is to study the possibility of classification of the functions of the penal law for various reasons, and the allocation in the systematization of the information function.Methodology was based on the principles of knowledge of social phenomena, legal ideas, concepts, theories. Main research methods were: ascent from the abstract to the concrete, systematic approach, analysis and synthesis.The analysis of the different theoretical positions that exist in understanding the function of the law in general and the essence of the informational functions of law in particular was made in the study. There was also proved the possibility of separating the information function of the penal law as an independent legal phenomenon. The most common classifications of the legal functions and the possibility of their usage in the study of peculiarities of the penal law. The necessity of research of information functions of the penal law as one of its essential characteristics. The author's understanding of characteristic features of the information function penal law is formulated in the article.The results of the study can be used during the investigation of the functions of individual branches of law, their classifications and can be applied in the study of the information function of the penal law.In conclusion, it can be marked that the classification of the functions of the penal law, in general, can be represented by two main elements: basic and additional functions. Regulatory and enforcement functions are attributed to the basic. A group of additional functions of law is extremely diverse, it can be assigned the following functions: epistemological, ontological, evaluative, and others, including the informative function of law. As for the penal law, information function has a special kind of impact on the prison system, which is characterized by the usage of the various kinds of information, high-quality originality, due to the special role of information links, reflecting the modern role of these branches of law in the structure of the punitive policy of the state.
law, function, information function of the penal law, the classification of functions of law
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