Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with questions of transmission of violent behaviors in the child-parent relations. Severe traumatic situations of childhood, associated with domestic violence, when specific remedial actions are absent, can deform the internal attitudes and drives of the individual and cause criminal and violent behaviour in the future. Besides, the child is negatively influenced not only by violence towards him, but cruelty and violence towards other family members. In the process of primary social adjustment that occurs in the family, the child learns the system of moral norms and behavior patterns of his older relatives, and, as an adult, he begins to broadcast them to others. Even if a juvenile considers the use of violence as unfair and critisises it, nevertheless he will consider a violent method of controlling conflict as the most effective and preferred. People applying domestic violence to minors, as a rule, were themselves the victims of violence by adult relatives as a child. Thus, 70 % of parents from troubled families themselves were brought up in the same, or nearly the same morally and socially disadvantaged conditions, as now their own children live. Excessive severity of the punishment, unjustified demands to the child, inconsistency and unpredictability of education measures, cruelty in the parental home also lead to personal deformation, the formation of aggressive behavior and violence.

domestic violence, formation of personality, defects of family education, violent crimes committed violence against minors, marital trouble, child abuse
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