UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The Criminal code of the Russian Federation (CCRF) incorporates a section devoted to criminal responsibility of juveniles. Article 88 of the CCRF provides the following types of penalties for juvenile offenders: fine; deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities; compulsory work; corrective labour; restriction of liberty; imprisonment for a certain term.For a comprehensive study of this group of penalties, a new, independent classification is required, since the existing classifications in the criminal and correctional law do not take into account the whole specifics of application of punishment to minors. On the doctrinal level there also exists no independent and comprehensive classification of penalties for juveniles, despite both practical and theoretical necessity of solving the aforementioned problem.The author comes to the conclusion that legislative classifications do not correspond to the penaltiess stipulated in Article 88 of the CCRF and puts forward a new classification that subdivides the relevant punishments into penalties unrelated to deprivation of liberty and penalties related to deprivation of liberty. Validity of this classification is proved.The article focuses on possible classifications of penalties for juveniles unrelated to deprivation of liberty. It is proved that the widely used classification, which subdivides the considered penalties based on "legal content" into punishments, not connected to obligatory attraction to work (fines, prohibition to engage in certain activities, restriction of freedom) and those associated with obligatory attraction to work (compulsory work, corrective labour) can't be used nowadays, because the title element of mandatory labour involvement is missing when corrective labour is applied to working convicts. In view of this the author develops a classification that takes into account the current legislation, and therefore all applications included in the proposed group of sentences.
punishment assigned to minors, punishments not connected with deprivation of freedom, classification of penalties, a fine, deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities, compulsory work, corrective labour, restriction of liberty
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