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Abstract (English):
The current problem of modern legal philosophy is considered. The legal nihilism is understood as dialectic set of two phenomena: denial by the people of the precepts of law imposed to him and violation by the state created by him I am right. The legal nihilism of government institutions as basics for deformation of sense of justice in the Russian society is covered in historical and system aspect from emergence of the Russian statehood to the present.The legal nihilism of government institutions of pre-revolutionary Russia was expressed in unwillingness of self-restriction of imperious motives, in belief in inability of the people to legal life, in prohibitive understanding of precept of law and accusatory interpretation of problems of justice.During the Soviet era the class nature of the right was the main reason of legal nihilism though many extreme forms of the Soviet legal nihilism originate in all previous history of the domestic state and the right.In present period an economic crisis in some layers of society there comes the animosity negatively influencing sense of justice. The humanistic meaning of the right is lost by time in present period because precept of law begins to be interpreted to please to momentary political and economic interests.All history of the Rosiysky state was followed by unconditional submission of all social life including the rights, to the state interest. The main dialectic contradiction is that suppression of personal and social potentialities was carried out, but the lawlessness of the people and violation by the power of the laws created by her often served the good purpose of maintaining integrity of the strong state.The ways of overcoming legal nihilism connected with search of new right understanding are offered. The theoretical and practical solution of the problem of legal nihilism is possible only in complex application of efforts of the whole complex of social sciences and real state and legal and political practice.

legal philosophy, legal nihilism, power, legislation, sense of justice, right understanding, society, mentali-ty, social life, dialectic contradiction, morals
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