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Abstract (English):
The object of the research is legal consciousness of a personality, the subject is deformation of legal consciousness. The result of the theoretical analysis are defining and foundation of psychological characteristics of deformations of legal consciousness of precriminogenic, criminogenic and criminal types.Deformations of legal consciousness are a combination of psychological qualities, determining the distorted reflection of legal reality, the negative relation to legal instructions, legality, order and antisocial orientation of behavior of an individual or group. A person with precriminogenic deformations of legal consciousness has prevalence of law-abiding orientation of behavior. Psychological features of precriminogenic deformations of legal consciousness are: lack of concrete and real ideas of legal ways of satisfaction of needs and solution of vital problems; dissonance of adequate vital ambotions with objective and subjective opportunities of the subject; absence of unconditional readiness to assist law enforcement bodies in maintainance peace and order in society. Criminogenic deformations of legal consciousness are represented in a combination of positive and negative ideas of the phenomena of legal reality. Psychological features of criminogenic deformations of legal consciousness are lack of knowledges of law norms; dual relation to the law; ignorance of legal ways of satisfaction of needs and solution of vital problems; ideas of complexity and problematical character of legal ways which demand great efforts in comparison with illegal; negative relation to law-abiding behaviour; excusibale relation to ctiminal behaviour and crimes; the opinion that a considerable part of criminals avoids responsibility; unreasoned negative relation to activity of law enforcement bodies. Criminal deformations of legal consciousness mean negative social and legal views, beliefs and expectations. Psychological features of criminal deformations of legal consciousness: negative relation to the law, to legal ways of satisfaction of material needs and vital problems solution; ideas of impossibility to satisfy needs in a legal way, interests and ambitions; a opinion that a considerable part of people relate to the law negative; positive relation to a criminal way of life.

legal consciousness, deformations of legal consciousness, qualities of legal consciousness, legal education, social and legal behavior, relation to the law
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