Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Article deals with questions of improvement of internal structure of management of correctional facilities, formations of groups of convicts for achievement of the goal of correction, efficiency of application of forms, methods and means of psychology and pedagogical impact on them, attraction them to socially useful work, professional education and vocational training are considered. The retrospective analysis of development of organizational forms of an otryadny link and manufacturing sector of the institutions executing punishments is given in the 60-90th years of the XX century. The purposes, tasks and results of social and economic experiments and the received perspective organizational forms and methods of corrective process in a penal correction system, a way of achievement of unity of labor, moral and legal education of convicts due to elimination of dissociation in activity regime, production, educational and other services of the institutions executing punishments are shown. During the carrying out and assessment of results of modern conceptual researches need of accounting of experience of last social and economic experiments taking into account the received both positive, and negative results is proved in a penal system.
penal system, the concept of development of a penal system, social and economic experiments, internal structure of management of the institutions executing punishments, group of convicts, experience of last years
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