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Abstract (English):
Problematic issues of holding an operational search action «an operational experiment» are considered when documenting small bribery in operating conditions of institutions of a penal correction system of Russia.Enforcement on July 3, 2016 and reference by the legislator of the crime provided by Art. 291.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to category of crimes of small weight, has caused impossibility of carrying out an operational experiment for fixing of fault of the potential bribe taker that has created serious difficulties for the solution of problems of operational search activity in identification, suppression and disclosure of crimes of corruption orientation. It is impossible to capture and record all development of criminal acts of the bribe taker conducting only such investigation and search operations as «observation», «listening of telephone negotiations», «poll», especially in the territory of the correctional facilities and pre-trial detention centers having the specifics namely: limited regime territory; ability of free access of personnel of a penal correction system on her; will lock uses of means of cellular communication; lack of cash at convicts, suspects, defendants; their persistent desire to get the objects forbidden to use through personnel; existence of criminal traditions (subculture); feeling of collectivism at personnel and so forth.A number of lawyers consider that it is necessary to decriminalize Art. 291.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and to transfer the acts covered by it to the category of administrative offenses. It is only not quite clear how the staff of bodies of inquiry who isn’t given the right of implementation of operational search activity will cope with proof of fault on small bribery. Investigation and search operations are held by operatives for identification, suppression and disclosure of crimes.Others believe, that small bribery needs to be included parts the first in Art. 290 and 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation that also doesn’t solve a problem and doesn’t give an opportunity of carrying out an operational experiment.Exit from the created legal collision seems in modification of Art. 8 of the Federal law of August 12, 1995 No. 144-FZ«About operational search activity» regarding permission of holding an operational search action «an operational experiment» and on crimes of small weight or in increase in the sanction of Art. 291.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation up to category of crimes of average weight for the appropriate solution of problems of operational search activity in fight against corruption crimes.

corruption crimes, a penal correction system, not office communications, the forbidden objects, divisions of own safety, investigation and search operations, an operational experiment, observation, bribery, small bribery
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