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Abstract (English):
Rationing of work represents a component of production management and includes definition of necessary costs of work of performance of work separate the condemned (crews) and establishment on this basis of norms of work. On production objects of correctional facilities the system of the norms of work reflecting various parties of work is used. Features of use of technically reasonable norms of work on different types of productions in correctional facilities are revealed, in particular, the example by determination of performance standards and fuel consumption for agricultural works is given.Knowledge of methodical bases of rationing of work, the correct use of technically reasonable norms of work will allow practical employees of correctional facilities and territorial authorities of the Federal Penitentiary Service to increase the level of rationing of work for increase in economic efficiency of work of correctional facilities.For encouragement of the convicts working on technically reasonable norms and who systematically are carrying out them it would be expedient to develop for correctional facilities the corresponding system of compensation which could stimulate application by convicts in the work of technically reasonable norms or cost cutting of time in comparison with industry standards.In order that material stimulation covered also the administrative personnel of production of correctional facilities promoting improvement of work on work rationing it makes sense to draft the Provision on awarding of engineers on rationing of work, masters (chiefs) of the site and other specialists of the correctional facilities which are directly participating in development and implementation of actions for decrease in labor input on the main operations of production.Thus, use of technically reasonable norms of work on different types of productions in correctional facilities is possible on condition of the rational organization of working process, existence of the necessary equipment, tools, observance of safety measures of work. Their correct introduction in production of a penal correction system will allow to make assessment of work of convicts more fair and objective.

convict, production objects of correctional facilities, organization of work, work rationing, technically rea-sonable norms of work, performance standard, norm of time, norm of service, norm of number, rational technological process
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