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Abstract (English):
Service loyalty is considered as a feature of psychic and behavioral integration of an employee into a group or groups functioning in a professional and service environment. The service loyalty is mainly characterized by the groups in which the employee is involved and the degree of his integration into these groups. The necessity of scientific research and practical diagnosis of service loyalty is determined by its impact on the employee’s performance. The author considers the theoretical and methodological basis of studying the service loyalty of the employees of the penal system of Russia, which include: 1) the foundations of the general psychological theory of loyalty, i.e. the transpersonal approach to psychological problems of loyalty; 2) the foundations of the concept of service loyalty as a specific theory of loyalty; 3) peculiarities of service loyalty of the penal staff; 4) methodological and organizational problems that need to be taken into consideration when identifying the service loyalty of the penal staff.The transpersonal approach to loyalty issues focuses on studying the features of the group as a whole and the persons belonging to it; it also studies interpersonal mechanisms of developing and sustaining loyalty on the basis of individual psychological characteristics, processes and states. The key processes of psychological mutual actualization and coordination of the common group features of the loyal members of the groups are described.A distinguishing feature of developing loyalties in the professional service life is the employees’ involvement in formal structures and their having an official status. Any group functioning in the professional and service area, of which the employee can become a part, is influenced by some social expectations that are external to the group. The goals, values and symbols specific to the public service and some of its branches and forms of implementation are taken into consideration in the group orders of loyalty groups functioning in the professional and service area.The official loyalty of the penal staff is affected by the attitude of the state and society, as well as by the interaction with the criminal and prison subculture.Loyalty features can be studied through the personal qualities reflecting the characteristics of the leading group activity.

loyalty, service loyalty, theory of loyalty, loyalty psychology, public officials, transpersonal approach, loy-alty research, diagnostics of loyalty, employees of the penal system, group processes
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