UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The current problem of criminal abilities which exist in structure of the personality causes deformations of sense of justice and leads to legal nihilism is considered. The problem wasn’t investigated neither in domestic pedagogics, nor in philosophical anthropology though need of the analysis of criminal abilities is dictated for a long time by our sociocultural reality.Criminal abilities - special type of abilities, successful realization of which in the person leads him to denial of the right and collision with the law sooner or later. Criminal abilities can’t be reduced to knowledge which is available for the individual, abilities, and skills. Not only speed, depth and durability of mastering ways and methods of criminal activity, but also desire to realization of the abilities, that is a dynamic component are necessary.The biological factor of heredity plays a significant role in formation and development of criminal abilities in the individual. The type of temperament influences development of abilities including criminal. The person has to know the negative inclinations and be able to suppress them, especially the social teacher has to be competent of such questions. At the same time the modern sociocultural and economic situation in the country often pushes people on antisocial actions, developing criminal inclinations even at once law-abiding citizens. Crime reigning in society leads to mutual infection with the evil and development of criminal bents.Criminal abilities are defined as a dynamic element in structure of the personality inclined to denial of the right and violation of laws. Criminal abilities - the only type of abilities which should not be developed but suppressed. Ways of neutralization of criminal abilities by means of familiarizing with culture, including morals, and involvement in a wide range of activity are offered.
criminal abilities, structure of the personality, psychology and pedagogical correction, legal philosophy, criminology, legal nihilism, sense of justice, personality, society, morals
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