Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Authors consider aspects of realization of the right in the conditions of carrying out reforms in Russia, it is pointed out impossibility of their positive embodiment without a condition (change) of sense of justice in society. Theoretical views of scientific figures of the maintenance of a definition "sense of justice and legal culture" accumulate the general vector of their essence and impact on public behavior comes into focus. Concerning the main functions of the state, authors focus attention on ideological fullness, a possibility of regulation of all process of law-making and law enforcement by establishment of rules and borders in imperious activity and behavior of the person in society.Attention is paid to essence and concrete forms of political and legal alienation of the personality in civil society, its reasons are analyzed. Some measures for its overcoming are proposed.

state, deformation of sense of justice, the politician, political realities, legal estrangement, law enforce-ment, sense of justice, the principle of fatigue, realization I am right, the employee of the FPS of Russia
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