UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The comparative analysis of penal systems of Russia, the USA, Great Britain, France, Latvia, Norway, Italy and Spain is carried out. The condition, structure and dynamics of penitentiary crime in the explored states are studied with use of methods of the statistical analysis. Penal systems are compared on three indicators: the number of imprisoned on 100 thousand people, the number of personnel on 1000 prisoners, the number of offenses and crimes on 1000 prisoners. Despite distinction of the studied penal systems, the general tendencies of growth of number of the offenses and crimes committed by prisoners are observed. For example, the high value of an indicator of number of offenses and crimes counting on 1000 prisoners is available. Analytical data on penitentiary crime are provided in Russia and foreign countries. Penal systems are compared on such indicators as: share of escapes from custody, share of attacks on personnel, share of suicides in penal institutions. In all countries, except Russia, growth tendency on these indicators in absolute values is observed. The smallest share of escapes from custody in Russia, Great Britain, Latvia and the USA that is caused by the high level of protection of penal institutions. Dangerous penitentiary crime is attack on personnel and in such countries as France, Latvia, Spain and Great Britain, this indicator is more than 10% of the total number of offenses and crimes. The share of suicides in total of offenses and crimes in general is insignificant and averages 0,41%. The share of suicides is minimum in Russia, Latvia, Great Britain and the USA. Statistical data reflect structure and dynamics of penitentiary crime, but don’t allow to establish its reasons and consequences. In recent years growth of number of penitentiary crimes and offenses is noted. In this regard to decrease the level of penitentiary crime the complex of the preventive measures directed to prevention, prevention and suppression from the concluded offenses and crimes is proposed.
national security, penal systems, offenses and crimes, prisoners, suicides, escapes from custody, attack on personnel
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