UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Formation and development of staffing in the field of training of the leading and command structure of Soviet militia during the period from October, 1917 to July, 1930, initial steps of the Soviet state on organizational regulation of training of command structure of the Soviet militia and People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs is considered. Normative legal acts of service organization and leading instructions on the organization of command structure as separate direction of police officers training are analyzed. On the basis of the analysis conducted the main gaps of administrative board of Workers’ and Peasants’ militia training and their interrelation with the existing system of law-enforcement bodies and also positive practices which ,during the present period, can be of great importance for heads of law-enforcement bodies training are defined.
command structure,training courses, reception and test commissions, training of the People’s Commissar-iat for Internal Affairs, standard and legal regulation
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