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Abstract (English):
In the modern legal doctrine the special part is assigned to institute of punishment. Regardless of the branch of law (administrative, criminal) he is designed to restore whenever possible the status quo and to punish the offender. The exclusive place among punishments is taken by criminal penalties it is caused by weight of the consequences accompanying it. However, in our opinion, modern interpretation of criminal penalty doesn’t correspond to the role assigned to it by the criminal legislation.According to the p. 2 of Art. 43 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation among the purposes of criminal penalty restoration of social justice, correction of the convict and prevention of new crimes are listed. If the first purpose can be achieved by the fact of condemnation, then the second and third purses can be reached only through a certain period that assumes legislatively provided term during which the person is on registration of specialized public authority. But there is doubt when we regard the the content of such punishment as fines.Punishments have to correspond also to requirements of the time, that, in particular, is revealed in the level of their humanity. If corporal punishment has been excluded from the domestic legislation in the 19th century, death penalty, though appointed, is included in the existing criminal law.Besides, criminal penalty must be effective and its execution must achieve goals. The analysis of results of execution of a number of punishments causes doubt in their efficiency that is proved by the high level of a offenders among convicts. These are first of punishments that are not connected with isolation from society.We must note that the second and third aims are also pursued by criminal and executive legislation that makes the question that is raised urgent. Analysing the content of criminal penalties and making their retaliatory aspect concrete, the criminal and executive legislation sometimes allows to introduce essential amendments in an order of their execution and serving by alleviation or toughening the regime of concrete punishment. Finally these opportunities are designed to promote increase in efficiency of all domestic criminal policy.

crime, measure of criminal and legal influence, criminal penalty, other measure of criminal and legal char-acter, system, criteria of punishment, requirement to punishment, criminal legislation, criminal and executive legislation, punishment purposes, punishment term, criminal record
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