UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The procedural order of choosing restraint measures for ensuring person delivery as a whole is similar to the order of choosing restraint measures concerning suspects and defendants. The procedural order,however has certain features. It is divided into three stages: 1) collecting of information necessary for adoption of the lawful and reasonable decision of choosing restraint measures for ensuring delivery of the person; 2) studying set of circumstances: about gravity of crime for which the foreign state demands the person delivery; about public danger of act for which the foreign state demands to carry out delivery of the person; about illegal behavior of the person (evasion from earlier chosen measure of restraint, commission by the person of crime after arrival in the territory of the Russian Federation); about existence or lack of the bases interfering delivery of the person; other circumstances; the direction of materials to the court; 3) adoption of the judgment;At the first stage features of collecting by the prosecutor of the materials confirming need of choosing restraint measures for ensuring person delivery who is in the territory of the Russian Federation are considered. Features of implementation of this criminal procedural activity at receipt of the petition for taking prisoner who is subject to delivery, provided p.1 Art. 61 of the Convention of legal aid and legal relations of civil, family and criminal cases of 1993, requests for temporary detention of the person, subject to the delivery provided by Art. of the European convention of delivery of 1957, an assignment of implementation of person search who is subject for delivery, provided Art. 61.1 of the Convention of legal aid and legal relations of civil, family and criminal cases of 1993 and the Protocol of March 28, 1997 to this Convention are considered. The problem of collecting documents by the prosecutor during the term for person detention who is subject to delivery and a way of his decision are considered.The emphasis of procedural problems of resolution preparation of petition initiation before court for choosing restraint measures for ensuring person delivery is placed on the second stage. Need of standard fixing of the list of the documents attached by the prosecutor to the resolution of excitement before court of the petition for choosing restraint measures for ensuring person delivery is proved, the expediency of representation of the materials to the court session concerning delivery of the person is proved.At the third stage the expediency of the notice of choosing restraint measures of the the person whose state has directed one of the following documents requesting delivery is considered: petition of imprisonment, request for temporary detention, assignment for search implementation.For the solution of the mentioned problems, changes and additions of the existing Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation are suggested.
extradition, delivery of the person, foreign citizen, measure of restraint, detention, home arrest
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