UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Tasks of increase in efficiency of a manufacturing sector of a penal system were and remain one of prime in the Federal Penal Service.The analysis of positions of various authors investigating problems of functioning of a manufacturing sector of a penal system, the statistical data expertized has allowed to come to a conclusion about its inefficiency and impossibility of the solution of the main objectives facing him: increase in number of the convicts attracted to a remunerative work, performance by convicts of performance standards, increase in compensation of convicts, etc. Key indicators of this inefficiency became: the small number of the convicts attracted to a remunerative work; dependence of a manufacturing sector of penal system (dependence on the state order); poor quality of production, as a result, decrease in competitiveness of production made in a manufacturing sector of a penal system, difficulty with sales of products; increase in costs of production by separate types of production; low compensation; decrease in such indicators as capital pro- ductivity, capital intensity, capital intensity, etc.Considering various reasons of inefficiency of a manufacturing sector of a penal system, we managed to allocate profound blocks of such reasons: lack of necessary volume of financial resources, difficulties with sales market, legal restrictions. Eventually the reasons of inefficiency have objective and subjective character, can life are eliminated by means of the administrative decisions made within department. There are also such reasons of inefficiency of a manufacturing sector of a penal system which lie out of the field of powers of the Federal Penal Service and can be hardly eliminated by means of the made departmental decisions.The author has opened the main tendencies of development of a manufacturing sector of a penal system: on the one hand, short circuit of system (the made products are sold within the system), on the other hand, the public-private partnership which is expressed in the form of cooperation with the non-state sector; the perspective directions of his development are shown.
production activity, organization of work of convicts, penal system, public-private partnership
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