Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Due to the peculiar nature of their activities, the staff of special-purpose departments are a category of employees whose activities require physical and special preparedness as well as great emotional stability in extreme situations. In the educational establishments of the Federal penal service, the given competences are developed at the lessons of physical training and in a variety of sports activities.Accordingly, it is essential for the penitentiary system to study the psycho-physical model of the employees of the spe- cial-purpose departments in order to determine the kind of sports with the greatest professional applicability. The research have involved pedagogical testing and psycho-diagnosis of the employees of the special-purpose departments as well as of the cadets specializing in martial arts, cyclic and game sports. The results of the research have shown that for the staff of the penitentiary system various martial arts are of the greatest applicability.

applied sports, staff of special-purpose departments, cadets athletes, psycho-physical potential, extreme situations
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