The high public response, caused by regularly detected cases of coercion to testify during the investigation, determines the relevance of the scientific study of this problem. In the course of the present study, the author examines the motives that motivate law enforcement officers in the past and in the present to use violence against the interrogated persons, assesses the historical, legal, moral prerequisites of coercion as a criminal procedural method or means of obtaining evidence. The methodological effectiveness of coercion from the point of view of forensic tactics, as well as the reliability and value of the evidence obtained in this way are considered. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the existing negative attitude to the evidentiary value of testimony, obtained under coercion, is based on a mistaken understanding of the motives for its application. While condemning the use of violence from the point of view of humanity and respect for human rights, the author appreciates the potential methodological significance for the interests of truth. The results of the study should be understood beyond the mere use of violence during interrogation. Abstracting from the formal idea of violence as a physical and moral torture, and assessing its purpose from an axiological point of view, the author believes that coercion to give truthful testimony in a form not related to causing pain to a person is an effective means of achieving the goals of the criminal process - the establishment of the truth in a criminal case.
torture, violence, confession, evidence, testimony, accused, coercion
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