Ensuring the security of institutions of the penal system in the modern conditions of its reform is the main task formulated in the Concept of the Russian Penal System Development for the period up to 2030. The purpose of this research is to study the problems of conducting searches and inspections in relation to a special contingent serving criminal sentences, and to propose effective ways to conduct them. The features of the content and organizational and legal aspects of search and inspection work as a factor in ensuring the safety of correctional institutions are discussed in the article. On the basis of the conducted theoretical and applied research, modern trends and prospects for the development of this type of penitentiary activity are identified and substantiated. Ways of improving searches and inspections are proposed. The study is based on statistical indicators of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, informational letters, analytical reviews, individual opinions of practitioners of domestic penitentiary institutions and other law enforcement agencies, as well as convicts serving sentences.
institutions of the penal system, search and inspection measures, prohibited items, penitentiary crime
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