The article is devoted to the consideration of the specifics of the evolution of criminal liability for hooliganism in the criminal law of the Russian Federation. The authors analyze the features of the legislative consolidation of the signs of hooliganism in Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation from the moment of its entry into force to the present. Each of the changes made to the article under consideration, as well as its criminal-legal significance for the qualification and sentencing, is subjected to a detailed study. At the same time, the authors take into account the opinions of other researchers on the validity and effectiveness of these changes. The object of the study was the peculiarities of the legislative structure of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for criminal liability for hooliganism, as well as the provisions of federal laws that amended this article. The purpose of the study is to analyze the specifics of the processes of criminalization and decriminalization of hooliganism, changes in the scope of criminally punishable hooliganism, the category of the crime under consideration. As a result of the study, the features of the evolution of criminal responsibility for hooliganism in the criminal law of the Russian Federation are revealed, concerning the mandatory, qualifying and especially qualifying signs of the considered corpus delicti, the specifics of the processes of decriminalization and criminalization of actions that grossly violate public order and express obvious disrespect for society. It is concluded that the volume of hooliganism as a criminally punishable act has been repeatedly transformed - from a sharp reduction due to the decriminalization of "unarmed hooliganism" to the restoration of the possibility of criminal prosecution for violence or the threat of its use in the commission of hooliganism. Thus, there is a reverse criminalization of acts that were previously transferred to the category of administrative offenses.
hooliganism, criminal liability, criminalization, decriminalization, mandatory signs, qualifying signs, weapons, violence
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