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Abstract (English):
The article examines domestic violence in a number of European countries (Austria, France, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland) and ways to combat it, indicates the global and topical nature of this problem. It is difficult to study, because its center is the family, the nature of which is characterized by latency, which is due to a number of factors. As a rule, this is the fear that no one can help in solving this problem, and the lack of information where exactly to contact. Domestic violence can take place in any family, regardless of its social status. Attention is paid to the criminal legislation of European countries, sanctions for this criminal act. Emphasis is placed on the rehabilitation of victims and preventive measures that are implemented in order to ensure safety in the family by influencing the offender from the state and society. The ways of modernization of the Russian system of prevention of domestic violence on the example of the positive experience of a number of European states are proposed. Attention is drawn to the fact that serious efforts are needed to raise awareness and understanding of all the features of this negative phenomenon in the family in order to more effectively counteract violence.

domestic violence, family, crime, punishment, protective order, asylum
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