Structure and content of the current state of the criminal hierarchy in places of deprivation of liberty
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Abstract (English):
The article examines the structure and content of the criminal hierarchy of convicts (prisoners in custody) held in places of deprivation of liberty of the Russian penal system. It is concluded that each convict (remanded in custody) has an individually defined, informal legal status, which is given to him by representatives of the highest level of the criminal hierarchy on the basis of subcultural norms of the criminal world - "concepts". Attention is drawn to the fact that each level of the criminal hierarchy has its own sublevels (subgroups), which are characterized by intra-group equality of their members and their unequal position in relation to representatives of another hierarchical level (another subgroup).

«concepts», «thieves», «thieves», «men», «offended», criminal subculture, places of imprisonment, informal groups of convicts, informal status, informal norms, criminal hierarchy, social stratification, levels of criminal hierarchy
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