Prosecutor's supervision over the execution of laws by bodies conducting preliminary investigations in places of deprivation of liberty
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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to problematic issues related to the supervision of the execution of laws by the bodies of preliminary investigation of crimes in places of deprivation of liberty. The features of supervision over the implementation of investigative actions against persons who committed crimes while serving a criminal sentence are disclosed. Based on the results of the study, recommendations have been developed aimed at improving the organization of the work of the prosecutor's office in the relevant field. Proposals have been made to exclude cases of violations of the investigation and preliminary investigation, including within the framework of a legislative initiative. A number of practical tips are presented concerning the improvement of the forms and methods of interaction between the prosecutor's office, investigative bodies and the administration of places of deprivation of liberty in the process of supervision.

prosecutor's office, supervision, preliminary investigation, inquiry, law, crime, punishment, convicts, imprisonment
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