Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently, digitalization is comprehensive, affects all major spheres of society, new technologies are becoming more accessible to ordinary citizens. A natural development of this process is the transition to digital public control, including in the penitentiary sphere. The article analyzes the existing digital tools for the implementation of public control in various spheres, assesses the prospects of digitalization for certain forms of public control provided for by current legislation and actually used by various subjects of public control in the penitentiary sphere. As a result of studying the practice of using already implemented digital tools, a list of possible threats to ensuring fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms arising from the introduction of digital technologies into the control activities of public formations has been formulated. Special attention is paid to the study of possible barriers that hinder the speed and efficiency of the introduction of new information technologies. In order to ensure effective digitalization of public control over the activities of bodies and institutions of the penitentiary system, a system of principles or the development of digital public control in the penitentiary sphere has been developed.

public control, digitalization, human rights, penal enforcement system
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