Assessment of structural shifts in the production sector of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Rostov region
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the dynamics and structure of the production of goods and services rendered in the production sector of correctional institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Rostov region. It is proposed to choose structural shift coefficients (Ryabtseva, Gateva, Salai) as an assessment tool. This method allows us to evaluate changes in the structure and composition of products in dynamics. Changes in the structure of the production activities of penal institutions are an integral part of the economic strategy and should be aimed at increasing both the economic effect and productivity of convicts. The industrial and economic activity of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Rostov region was chosen as the object of the study. Based on the reporting data for 2014-2021, the coefficients of structural shifts of Ryabtsev, Gatev and Salai were calculated. The analysis showed that the volume of production of goods, works performed and services rendered tended to increase in 2014-2020, but in 2021 a decrease in this indicator was allowed. At the same time, the main branches of production (woodworking, sewing, agriculture, metalworking, food production, etc.) developed differently during the study period, depending on the local factors of production of a particular type of product. The authors come to the conclusion that there is a need for a strategy for the development of industrial and economic activities using convicts' labor.

economics of the penal system, structure of production, dynamics of production, assessment of structural shifts
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