Selected issues of research on the role of the human factor in the professional penitentiary sphere
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article contains problematic aspects of the study of the concept of "human factor", meaning the manifestation of a set of personal qualities of a person that affect his work activity in the conditions of official activity in the penitentiary system. Attention is focused on the complexity and multifunctionality of the professional activities of employees of penal enforcement inspections. The factors influencing the quality and efficiency of the performance of official tasks in the process of implementing criminal penalties without isolation from society are considered. Examples from penitentiary practice are given, proving the influence of the human factor on the activities of penal enforcement inspections. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey of employees of penal enforcement inspections, conclusions are formulated that can form the basis for the development of a set of preventive measures to train personnel to take competent actions when solving official tasks, techniques to counter manipulative influences from convicts in order to ensure personal safety in the service, prevention of professional deformation and emotional burnout.

human factor, criminal enforcement inspections, official activity, human functioning, professional safety, mental stability
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