Russian Federation
UDK 343.83 Служащие мест лишения свободы. Тюремные работники
The study proposes to exclude the designation of crimes provided for by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation "against the established order of service, committed by employees of institutions and bodies of the penal enforcement system" as absent in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Only the last most important legal act determines which types of illegal acts are criminal. Reflecting on the specifics of administrative responsibility of employees criminally by replacing it (in some cases) with disciplinary responsibility, the author proposes to introduce a deduction from the time of service (from seniority) for a certain period, depending on the offense (offense) committed, as disciplinary penalties and administrative penalties.
crimes against the established order of service, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal enforcement system, administrative offenses, disciplinary offenses, penalties, seniority, deduction of certain time from service (service)
1. Feoktistov, M. V. 2015, ‘Crimes against the interests of service in commercial and other organizations’, in Criminal Law of Russia, General and Special parts, pp. 577-591, Moscow.
2. Dineka, V. I. & Kadnikov, N. G. 2015, ‘Crimes against state power, interests of public service and service in local self-government bodies’, Criminal Law of Russia, General and Special parts, pp. 837-868, Moscow.
3. Mackevich, I. M. 2015, ‘Crimes against Military Service’, Russian Criminal Law, General and Special Parts, pp. 932-950, Moscow.
4. Volzhenkin, B. V. 2000, Official crimes, Lawyer, Moscow.