Russian Federation
UDK 159.9 Психология
UDK 343.83 Служащие мест лишения свободы. Тюремные работники
The article examines the issues of formation, development and activity of the scientific school “Psychological and pedagogical support of employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system”, functioning at the Faculty of Psychology and Probation of the Academy of the FPS of Russia. It is noted that within the framework of the scientific school there are independent scientific schools (directions). The vectors of activity of their leaders and leading scientists are revealed, the role in training personnel for the penal enforcement system is indicated, attention is focused on the continuity of generations of scientists, the work of scientific laboratories and circles, the description of scientific and representative events held to popularize it.
scientific school, psychological and pedagogical support, employees of the penal enforcement system, laboratory, criminal destructiveness of personality