UDK 338.2 Экономическая политика. Управление и планирование в экономике
The article provides an overview of threats to economic security at the current stage of the country's development and ways to reduce the effects of negative factors on the economy. The most relevant internal and external threats, as well as significant indicators of economic security, are analyzed. Reasonable directions are proposed to reduce pressure on the economic security of the country by neutralizing the primary threats, namely: support for young families, increasing fertility, reducing mortality from diseases, reducing the property stratification of the population, including by increasing the minimum wage and returning to the wage scale in the public sector.
indicators of economic security, threats to economic security
1. Gadzhiev, N. G., Konovalenko, S. A. & Trofimov, M. N. 2022, ‘Threats in the sphere of ensuring the economic security of the state. Ways to neutralize them’, Bulletin of Dagestan State University, Series 3, Social Sciences, vol. 37, iss. 1, pp. 7–19.
2. Rybalka, E. A. 2013, ‘Demographic problem and alternatives to its solution’, Jurist-Pravoved, iss. 1(56), pp. 5–9.
3. Torzhenova, T. V. & Mamonov, R. A. 2021, ‘Modern threats to Russia's Economic security’, Science and Business: Ways of Development, iss. 9(123), pp. 123–126.
4. Romanov, Yu. A. (ed.) 2017, Threats to the economic security of modern Russia. Experience and consequences: monograph, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.