Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Children safeguarding in the Russian Federation is a high-priority task of the state, which is realized in order to full development of minors as the complete personality. The Criminal Law protects the rights of minors by imposing prohibitions on the commission of certain acts against these persons, as well as fixing the specifics of their criminal responsibility and punishment. The considered aspects of criminal and legal means of children safeguarding in the Russian Federation allowed coming to the following conclusions. Criminal precepts of law are directed both to protection of rights of minor victims, and to protection of rights of accused (suspected) minor that testifies to equal degree of criminal legal protection of both categories of minors.Prevalence of «retaliatory» model over «recovery» is legislatively traced in case of solution of a question of criminal prosecution and assignment of punishment by the minor.There is a need of introduction of amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation regarding expansion of contents of chapter 20 «Crimes against a family and minors».
minor victim, accused (suspected) minor, protection of rights of minors, criminal remedies for protection of rights
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