UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Almost every crime has economic consequences, therefore, arising in consequence of the relations involve with compensation for damages. According to the judicial Department of the amount of damage caused by the crime, every year tens of billions and with the latest years show a trend in the increase of their volumes. In recent years, the domestic legislator devotes to this question a considerable amount of attention, which resulted in the development and adoption of normative acts, carrying the amendments to the criminal code, code of criminal procedure of the PEC of the Russian Federation and the Federal law «On state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal pro-ceedings» and the Federal law «On administrative supervision over persons released from places of imprisonment», aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of victims.Analysis of current legislation and practice of its application shows that the compensation for damages caused by the crime is subject to mandatory establishment of pretrial and trial, and can have a very positive impact on the fate of the perpetrator: a person may be released from criminal liability or from actual punishment, this aspect is reflected in the period of serving the measures of criminal and legal impact, early release from its serving and process of conviction.Obtained in the course of conducting research on this issue allow to conclude about the transformation of civil-law ob- ligations of compensation for damages imposed on the perpetrator in the commission of the crime the requirement of a criminal and legal nature imposed on him. However, not all measures of criminal and legal impact provide a direct indication of the need for compensation of damages, what, in our opinion, caused damage to the rights and interests of the vic- tim. In this regard, we consider it appropriate to consolidate this requirement not as fragmented in separate measures of criminal and legal impact, but as an equal condition of their process - other measures of criminal-legal nature. The need for such change is demonstrated by the analysis of the sources of domestic law, as well as the experience of foreign legis- lators.
crime, compensation for damage, duty, requirement, exemption from liability, condemnation, measure of criminal and legal impact, system of criminal punishment, other measure of criminal law, conviction
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