Rubrics: ABROAD
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Abstract (English):
Expansion of scales of application the community service in Russia, there is a reason to explorethe legal framework community service as criminal-law measures in Spain, Portugal and Italy.Community service-there arepunishment(Spain, Portugal) or other criminal-low measure (Italy).They can also replace imprisonment or a fine.Its cannot be imposed without the consent of the sentenced person. Community service are appointed by the court in hours (Portugal), days (Spain),months (Italy). The nature of public works is doing free work for the benefit of societyin the social sphere, health care,public organizations, municipal or private organizations. It could be landscaping, a disability, work in hospitals, prevention of fires, assistance in the organization of sporting events, etc. In Spain also provides for community service in the form of participation in seminars and training programs. In the organization of community service is involved with the court, the penitentiary service, public organizations, municipal or private organizations entered in the appropriate lists. All they control the implementation of the plan of correction of a prisoner. Legislation of the States located in the South of the European Union also provides for social protection of the accused from accidents during community service.

South Europe, criminal responsibility, community service, legal Regulation, specifics execution
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